Why worry so much about bathrooms in contract projects? At the end of the day, they are hidden spaces and purely functional, right?

More recently bathroom decor and equipment has assumed importance to such an extent that when it comes to making a decision about the quality and maintenance of commercial premises or hotel establishments, it is crucial. Before passing judgement on the look of a venue, it is necessary to see the bathroom.

The bathroom is an intimate space and should be decorated with this in mind. So, we could say that the bathroom is no longer merely functional but also experiential. It is no longer enough to be able to wash, shower or attend to any personal hygiene task. You also expect the bathroom to be nicely decorated, to feel intimate and pleasant, and to be meticulously clean (not just clean, but sparkling). At the same time, let’s not forget its functionality, because it is not worth adding stylishness and originality to the project only to cause discomfort, for example, washbasins that splatter everything, inaccessible taps, shower screens that do not provide adequate cover or slippery shower trays.  As innovative as they are, they do not suitably fulfil their purpose.

In other words, choosing the most suitable products while ensuring consistency has to be a major factor - as well as keeping up with new trends in this sector, which are continuously evolving - when it comes to achieving excellent results in bathroom contract projects.